Check out the fantastic review by Miss Pond on one of our brand new Inventions - Stylfile Infuse:
As I’ve discussed before I’m a serious Stylfile fan. I genuinely believe that the S shaped file has made my nails a lot stronger and the buffer has helped my nails get back to the shape they used to be in after my gel nails disaster. This time I’ve been invited to try the Stylfile Infuse* (£12.99).
The Stylfile Infuse contains almond cuticle oil at the top of the nail file, which is released on to the white sponge at the click of the black button. Meaning you can file your nails into shape and treat your nails afterwards. I don’t usually add the oil to my nails (you totally can) because it affects my nail varnish. But I love using it on my cuticles, it does make them softer for trimming. The Stylfile Infuse box contains 2 spare nail file heads, which click on to the file, they should each last you 3 months, a great value for money I think!
By MissPond on